The Edge Blog
5 Steps to Greatness: Act as If
Jun 22, 2023
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Act as if. These are three of the most powerful words I’ve ever heard.
Too often we find ourselves caught in the trap of saying “when”. When I become a senior, I’ll be a leader. When I have t...
4 Ways to Build Better Business Relationships
May 16, 2023
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There is an old adage in the business world; people will do business with individuals that they know, like, and trust. Sure, this sounds like how business was done in the old days, the “handshake deal...
8 Habits for Effective Leadership
Apr 06, 2023
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Are you Being an Effective Leader? 8 “Self-Checks” to Help you Increase your Leadership Self-Awareness.
Leadership is influence. The things you say and do every day have some level of influen...
Looking in the Rearview
Mar 07, 2023
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I wrote this for piece Teambuildr after completing my first semester as the Head Strength & Conditioning Coach at Bloomsburg University. This was my first leadership opportunity where I was fully ...
Legacy Decisions
Feb 06, 2023
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Ego Decisions vs. Legacy Decisions
Legacy is a tricky word by definition. On one side, a legacy is something you pour yourself into building that will last long after you’re gone. On the o...
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